Friday, October 16, 2009

Bio y'all

Random Mom living in Lawton OK, hence the handle OKMom. If you've never heard of this place, I didn't either until I moved here. People move here quickly, leave just as fast and then wipe their brains ala Men in Black.

I'm married with two kids, 2 dogs and a cat. I tend to be a little obsessive, but skip between interests. Jill of all trades, so to speak, but so far master of none but my little home domain, and even that tends to succumb to a descent into chaos regularly. This whole mom/homemaker/cook thing is a lot harder than it seems, apparently it takes years of practice to at least keep a semblance of order.

Originally from Texas (God bless Texas), when asked which team I root for it's UT, but I don't watch football, much, though I follow who wins the big games.

I can shoot straight, kill snakes, light a fire, and ride a horse, but please don't ask me to clean the drain in the shower or handle raw meat. Ewww.

Blogging is my social outlet, since I also home educate my children right now for academic reasons.

I have a BA, and I don't like BS.

I can't stand habitually lazy or habitually arrogant people. I hope I'm not one of those people.

I keep it real, although I do retreat into one of my masks when I sense I'm around someone who can't handle the real me. The older I get, the fewer those people become, so maybe I'm maturing. Either that or growing a thicker skin.

I enjoy healthy debate and looking at more than one side of an issue. I enjoy exploring new viewpoints and ideas, but will generally continue in what I already believe.

I like to dress well, eat well and stay well, on a budget. Hence, I shop at Ross, use coupons / match ads and have quite a few exercise videos I use regularly.

I fall off the health bandwagon, but I always get back on.

If I sound like the kind of gal whose adventures and mis-adventures you'd like to read about, join me for the ride at my blog or twitter.

Take care, y'all.


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Can't wait to read what you type! Glad you took the time to chat!

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