Thursday, November 12, 2009

Countrymart and Breyers Ice Cream

It's been pretty slow around here lately, just the way I like it.

In other news, Countrymart is running a special on Breyer's Ice Cream, at 2.99 a container. With my .75 cent coupon I'll be getting several of those for 1.50 each. Not bad, not bad at all.

My upcoming winter is looking up. I can now look forward to a freezer full of ice cream to tide me over until the coming spring.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Michelina's Coupon Oct 31 2009

Michelina's got two coupons on their website.

They're for $1 off any five traditional recipe or Authentico entrees, or $1 off any five lean gourmet.

These coupons are doubleable.

This week at Countrymart Michelina's are $1 each, which translates into $2 bucks off 5, which snags you 5 meals for the price of 3.

Hmmm, math here, having to think, that's .60 cents each. Not bad.


Dannon Coupon Rebate

If you eat a lot of Dannon yogurt, like we do, here's a rebate
which has the potential to save you up to $15. If you already buy the products, you could send in the form, which is good from August 31 to Dec 31 2009, and get up to $15 in coupons sent to you.

Pretty cool.

Lids and UPC's may be required.

This could turn out to be more of a pain than it's worth, but I'll give it a shot.


ON the second night of trick r' treating

Great job, First United Methodist Church, your Harvest Festival was great fun!

Lawton is probably the only place you can attend Harvest Festivals / trick 'r treating four nights in a row.

Wednesday night we started off at the Faith Bible Church, with their Wednesday night Harvest Festival.

Thursday night we hopped on down to Crossroads Mall for the annual mall trick 'r treat.

Friday night you have the choice of Beale Heights Presbyterian's Reformation Party or FUMC's Harvest Festival or Olivet Baptist.

Saturday, among a host of options, the ones which have a great reputation are the First Baptist Church and First Baptist East Harvest Festivals.

I'm getting tired already.

For a great hoochie mama outfit, or the latest in zombie attire, visit Crossroads Mall. Quite a few of the teen oriented places sell various slutty / scary outfits.

One thing about this place is the lack of information about various events via social media. Subscribing to the local paper is almost a must.

Happy trick 'r treating y'all.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

OKDad gets silk

Tonight we began the 3 nights of trick r' treating sponsored by the local churches, mall and populace.

We could have gone for 4 nights of trick r' treating, but Wed. had a prior engagement, so we were unable to go to the first harvest festival of the week.

Our haul consisted of a about a gallon of candy, given to us at the local mall.

Pretty decent. We'll be back for more next year. Thanks, local merchants.

And OKDad got his trick r' treat bag filled as well at Dillards. A very nice silk blend pants and shirt. Formerly around 180, now $23.



Countrymart week of October 28 2009

Ah, just when I thought life couldn't get any better.

This week, I get free food.

On sale this week are *some* Healthy Choice meals, at 1.99 each. Using the $2 coupon from the Healthy Choice website, that's free.

Next up, Danactive. $2 for a 4 pack. Using a $1 off coupon, that's free.

I also used a $1 off 2, which made the cost for on $1. I can dig it.

If you've discovered the magic of The Coupon Clippers, and bought a whole bunch of Bumble Bee premium tuna $1 off one pack, you could get a whole lot of tuna free since they've put the tuna on sale again for .99 a package.

Unless your Countrymart checker puts the kibosh on you. I haven't had this happen yet, but my checker didn't look very happy today when I got $18 bucks worth of food for $9.

I let the kids have super-special Kraft Mac n' Cheese Spiderman noodles and Scooby Doo noodles just for fun. They were on sale too for .89.

I read on the back of the Mac n' Cheese box they are coming out with a 50/50 version of the Mac n' Cheese. Half Whole Wheat and half regular. I do hope they have a great coupon for those coming out soon.........


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Current book giveaway hardcover Twilight Saga Collection by Stephanie Meyers

I read almost constantly, and I read to my children, less constantly but I do make sure they can read early in life. The faster I can get them reading, the faster I can go back to my own book(s).


In the interest of promoting reading, my well-tested philosophy of 'give and it will be given back to you' (it works), and this blog, I will be giving away a book or two every so often.

I'd say "once a month" or "once every two months" but I would procrastinate.

In the interest of non-procrastination, I'm just going to update this post whenever I feel like it, or whenever I find a book I enjoyed that you might enjoy as well.

One of my favorite current fiction books is Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn. I loved the way she took her protagonists from madly-in-love adolescents into the horror of married life, and even childbirth.

Stunning. How many teen books describe the anguish of childbirth as accurately as Stephanie Meyers?

Granted, we are not all wanna-be vampires with a youngling inside waiting to burst forth at the smell of blood, but still, she did a great job.

The point is, those books were a good read, once I got past the 1,000th "I can't believe he likes me" in the first book. Even that starts to grow on you after awhile, especially when he starts saying it back to her.

I also thought she did a stunning job of portraying how both parties feel when a breakup with the person you THOUGHT was your true love turns his back, and the rather divided emotions of having another love interest when the said person comes back on the scene.

Plus, it's a happy thought to think that if wild and wonderful things can go on at a teeny tiny town in WA, maybe there's some excitement around here too.

Well, I can't give away just one of the books, so I'll give away the complete hardcover set as shown here:

If you already have the set it would make a great re-gift.

Just sayin'.

I probably won't have another giveaway until after the New Year, because let's face it, I have a ton of in-loves and in-laws and I'm already getting together the massive number of packages I'm sending out this year.

I swear, next year I'm doing gift cards.

Maybe Amazon e-cards.

*sighing* but that is so impersonal. I know I won't be able to follow through on the threat of the cards.

I think we'll set Dec 1st as the cut-off date for entry in this one.

I should have their presents sent before then.

Oh, right, entry rules:

comment = 1 entry

tweet about it @lawtonokmom (you'll want to follow as I'll announce the winner on twitter first) and follow me on twitter = 1 entry

blog about it AND include a link to this contest AND my website+permalink to your blog post in comments = 2 entries

Feel free to snag my purty blog button for your post. It has a link back to my blog already hooked up.

Continental US only please!

For more great giveaways, follow this blog hop!

Luv ya.

Good luck!

MckLinky Blog Hop


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

$5.00 subscription to Family Fun 'til Oct 31st

Until October 31st, you can get a $5 gift certificate from per magazine subscription you buy for specific magazines. This could be a great gift for some of the Mom's with small children in your life.

Here's a link to all eligible magazines.

You can get up to $15 in promotional certificates.

I'm seriously tempted to do this for a couple of my friends. That's five bucks a person. I'm an Amazon book addict, so the extra 15 would eventually be spent on something necessary.


Healthy Choice $2 off coupon Oct 27 2009

Here's a pretty sweet deal y'all!

$2.00 off a Healthy Choice meal. This coupon is from the healthy choice website. Only one print off allowed. I was hoping for two, but no dice.

This could turn out to be free if you play your cards right.

I haven't been watching Texas Hold 'em, I swear.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Christmas Gifts

My Mom does not read here, nor do I allow her. Nor will I ever tell her, part of the reason being I just have to tell SOMEONE about the cool gifts I'm getting certain members of the family.

So, I just bought this for my Mom for Christmas.


It was one of the Amazon Lightning deals, so it was 50 bucks.

Did I mention she has a thing for hearts?

Pretty pricey for a Christmas present. What am I saying? Geez, after all the spectacularly lame presents I've given her for the many years since I got married because SOMEBODY is a control freak (Not namin' names, not me), I can at least get her a decent present when we're going to BE there for Christmas.

We haven't been there in a while for Christmas, and I'm NOT complaining about that! Christmas with my family (husband, children, dogs, cat) is infinitely preferable to any extended-family gathering, no matter how many happy memories of childhood Christmases one has.

We do need to make a trip to see his side soon. That circus is always entertaining. It's kind of like an eight ring one, without clowns.

I suppose I could be the clown.


Bio y'all

Random Mom living in Lawton OK, hence the handle OKMom. If you've never heard of this place, I didn't either until I moved here. People move here quickly, leave just as fast and then wipe their brains ala Men in Black.

I'm married with two kids, 2 dogs and a cat. I tend to be a little obsessive, but skip between interests. Jill of all trades, so to speak, but so far master of none but my little home domain, and even that tends to succumb to a descent into chaos regularly. This whole mom/homemaker/cook thing is a lot harder than it seems, apparently it takes years of practice to at least keep a semblance of order.

Originally from Texas (God bless Texas), when asked which team I root for it's UT, but I don't watch football, much, though I follow who wins the big games.

I can shoot straight, kill snakes, light a fire, and ride a horse, but please don't ask me to clean the drain in the shower or handle raw meat. Ewww.

Blogging is my social outlet, since I also home educate my children right now for academic reasons.

I have a BA, and I don't like BS.

I can't stand habitually lazy or habitually arrogant people. I hope I'm not one of those people.

I keep it real, although I do retreat into one of my masks when I sense I'm around someone who can't handle the real me. The older I get, the fewer those people become, so maybe I'm maturing. Either that or growing a thicker skin.

I enjoy healthy debate and looking at more than one side of an issue. I enjoy exploring new viewpoints and ideas, but will generally continue in what I already believe.

I like to dress well, eat well and stay well, on a budget. Hence, I shop at Ross, use coupons / match ads and have quite a few exercise videos I use regularly.

I fall off the health bandwagon, but I always get back on.

If I sound like the kind of gal whose adventures and mis-adventures you'd like to read about, join me for the ride at my blog or twitter.

Take care, y'all.


The City

Quote I heard recently, names omitted.

"So-and-so is going up to The City to the (blank) hospital for (fill-in-the-blank. You could put just about anything here. Ailments are various and varied in our population.)"

The City. OOOOOOOkay.

Yet another colloquialism up here, referring to Oklahoma City. While I do prefer a rather abbreviated version of communication myself, this, for some reason, really gets on my nerves. And I don't have many of those left after living here 5 years.

Five years, 7 days, eight minutes, and 54 seconds.

But who's counting?

I can see myself in 20 years, 40 pounds overweight, chowing down at the Sonic, talking to someone on the phone about my varied and various ailments, and telling them "I'm going up to The City to the (blank) hospital for (fill-in-the-blank. God, I really don't want to know.)

I have got to get away from here.

I've had my fill.

Check, please?


HELL no!


Amazon magazine Promo $5 certificate

Amazon is running a promotion on their magazine subscriptions ~ if you buy one of their eligible magazines, they will send you a $5 certificate to use at Amazon in the mail. Quite a few of their magazines are eligible. See their full list HERE.


Thursday, October 15, 2009


After my little trip to Countrymart, where I got around 30 dollars of food for around 10 dollars, I was telling my husband about the great deals I got.

I was expounding upon the Mussellman's coupon. It wasn't very big, but it was doubled, and the item was on clearance at 1.48. The coupon was for .30, then doubled. I started to look at the package.

What is tat? A coupon inside??? (rip rip tear) A dollar off coupon for any two of the same item! I'll be getting those for .40 apiece.

On another note, our Countrymart is a great place. I left my coupon pouch there. *gasp* I know, horrors, right? Running around on 3 hours of sleep isn't a good idea. I was in the Walmart parking lot, all psyched about getting my Worstershire sauce and The Proposal, when I noticed the coupon book was missing!


Swept around, headed back to Countrymart. I actually pushed the cart to one of the cart guys WITH MY COUPON BOOK IN THE SEAT right there in front. Anyway, he remembered me and had saved the book.

"I thought it might be something important."

Yes, you were right. Around, oh, $50+ in savings.

Heartland Granola Cereal 2.78 a box

Well, you can't get this stuff in Lawton OK for 2.78 a box. At Countrymart it's around 3.40, 3.60 is probably right, and last time it was 'on special' they dropped the price to 3.20. Some sale, right? But I happily snapped up all they had, because 40 cents is 40 cents.

I'm very happy to find they sell my favorite granola at Amazon.

For cereal its pricey, but a girl has to have a few indulgences. I usually cook for breakfast, so this is my treat.



Cheap magazine thrills: Good Housekeeping 3.99 code

I'm loving some good magazine deals today y'all! SO, here's the scoop, over at Mommy's Money Cents
Mary's got you covered with a sweet coupon code for getting Good Housekeeping for 3.99. Yup, you heard me right. 3.99. So go on over and click her some love.

But then, I got to thinking about all the potentially fabulous coupons in those mags on her sidebar, such as Woman's Day, and started to have some more magazine lust. I'll be searching for deals tonight for sure!


Total Cereal has $1 off coupon 10/15/09

Total Cereal has a $1 off coupon! Lower left hand corner. Sadly, it is not doubleable, but it is for any one cereal. I'm mailed one of my SIL's a package, and I thought I'd do a little search for her favorite cereal online to see if there were any coupons she might like.

Just sayin'. Spread the savings.

And non-doubleable coupons are my new pet peeve.


Honey Nut Cheerios free sample and $2 coupons

Here you go.

I know they're going to send you two, $1 off coupons. One for Honey nut and the other for one of their other variety of weird flavors (apple cinnamon, frosted, banana nut). With a double and sales ad, that could translate into a .50 box of cereal, like it did for me.

I ate my sample tonight, and thought "this is barely enough for an infant." What can I say? It was great mixed half and half with regular cheerios.


*this post updated to clarify what types of cheerios cereal there are!*


Five dollars off online merchant

Enter the code "FIVE" at checkout and you can get $5 worth of goods free from this online vendor.

They cater mostly to the home educating crowd, but some of their stuff could be applicable elsewhere. Coupon is supposedly good until the 26th of this month.


Yummi Earth Lollipops

Just in case you need more organic evaporated cane juice in your life, YummyEarth Organic Lollipops, Assorted Flavors, 5-Pound Bag
. For around 14 bucks, you too can have 5lb of Yummi Earth lollipops.

I think I'll order two, get free shipping and carefully hide them in my freezer to dole out at appropriate times.

For example, when my kids bring home the gallon or two of candy from Halloween, we'll trade out. Your artificially flavored, colored and sweetened candy for Mommy's lollipops.

Which equals a free, nondescript candy stash for Mommy to eat. Yum Yum.

I will sacrifice myself upon the pyre of artificial candy for my children.



Have you jumped on the book-swap bandwagon yet? - Book Club to Swap, Trade & Exchange Books for Free.
Need I say more? There have been some almost brand-new textbooks I've swapped just because they would be a blessing to some other mom. Of course, if you can resell, you should, but sometimes it's just not worth the time or effort you have to expend for the money.

Having a way to give back is important for us Moms, and this is an easy way.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

EBATES! or, why the heck haven't I heard of this before?


So, apparently this is a site you sign up for, then you get 'ebates,' translation = cold, hard cash into your paypal account, when you "click through" their portal to make orders elsewhere.

So, I just signed up on a whim, then perused their book vendor selection. .... check ... check ... check ..... .........

Apparently Amazon does not support this program. Hmmm, perhaps it is because of their very own Amazon Associates program?

Whatever. For the record, people, you can get 4% back for Barnes and Noble, 2% back for Ebay (I'm there! and if I'm not, the hubs will be), 3% at Alibris, and 4% at Abebooks.

Book lovers unite! Buy books AND get some more money back to buy even more books.

You can probably guess where all the money I save from couponing goes.

Actually I do frequent the library quite a bit, and found the keenest series, new to me, by a British Mystery author.

Hamish Macbeth and Agatha Raisin are the names of her two main character (two separate series). Fun, eh?

She's no Agatha Christie, but M.C. Beaton is fast, light and twisty.

Hamish Macbeth is bit like MONK, but without the psychosis and a bit harder to guess whodunit.

By the way, if you sign up for, sign up through my link cuz I get some ebates if you do!

Luv ya!


Got me a footer, ya'll

Yes, I know that's incorrect grammar. Sometimes it's good to cut loose with a little colloquialism.


Dang, that's big. I think I'd better resize.

Yummi Earth Organic Lollipops

Just in case you need more organic evaporated cane juice in your life, YummyEarth Organic Lollipops, Assorted Flavors, 5-Pound Bag
. For around 14 bucks, you too can have 5lb of Yummi Earth lollipops.

I think I'll order two, get free shipping and carefully hide them in my freezer to dole out at appropriate times.

For example, when my kids bring home the gallon or two of candy from Halloween, we'll trade out. Your artificially flavored, colored and sweetened candy for Mommy's lollipops.

Which equals a free, nondescript candy stash for Mommy to eat. Yum Yum.

I will sacrifice myself upon the pyre of artificial candy for my children.

The Proposal $5 off coupon expires 10/18/2009

Just when I thought I had all the mind-numbing entertainment in my house I could stand, The Proposal had to have a really great coupon.

Oh yeah, make sure you look closely when you hover the mouse over the coupon you want (blue ray or plain-jane DVD) because it has several options. USA to the LEFT, on the RIGHT french-canadian, and english-canadian right on top of each other.

You know which one you want to click, or, like OKMom, you will have a useless coupon printed out in French. You were warned. Follow the instructions.

If the rumors are true, this movie can be had for around 10 bucks at Walmart.

But you can trust OKMom to find out the truth, probably in the next few days.

A week without several trips to see Wally is a week wasted.

I do believe that sentence should go in my quoteables.

Honey Bunches of Oats Pecan Bunches $2.00 Cereal Coupon

Whoa! Check out the $2 coupon for the new Honey Bunches of Oats Pecan Bunches. I sure hope they have these on sale at Countrymart. If they are, I'll get them for .50 cents.


And yes, I do watch Kramer occasionally. Right now in fact. Why do you ask?

Musselman's Apple Sauce Totally Fruit and Healthy Picks Coupon October 14 2009

Check out this link for Musselman's Apple Sauce. Countrymart does have 3 for $5 on Musselman's apple sauce, but I don't know if these are included. I'll check next time I'm there. Tommorrow, looking to see if they have Honey Nut Cheerios.

Anyhoo, Doubleable, .30 coupon for one 4pk 4oz. Totally Fruit or Healthy Picks Apple Sauce.

Classico $1 off 2 Coupon October 14 2009

So, I googled the Classico sauce on sale at Countrymart this week. Yes, there is a coupon. Get it here. This coupon is $1 off 2, DOUBLING ALLOWED! Yesssss.

I will apply it to the Countrymart ad, 2 for $4, plus the doubling, I'll get it for .99 a bottle. Well, $1 a bottle, I guess. Plus tax. Let's not quibble about the details. You do have to sign up.

The Kraft Cheese Coupon $1/2 October 14 2009

Get it and click it here.

Countrymart Lawton Oklahoma OK October 14

For you random people, coming upon my blog, there is only one other grocery store, besides Walmart, which counts in Lawton and that is the Countrymart.

They double coupons up to and including a dollar. They do not double coupons after that initial first coupon, and may deny you using them, depending on which cashier you use.

This morning I printed out a $1 off 2 Kraft real shredded cheese, today Countrymart ran $1.99 special on said cheese. Nuff said, the coupon doubled, and I paid $.99 per bag.

If that weren't good enough, I'm still using up the $1 off any one Hefty greensavers bag coupons, which doubles, and then I get the bags for .49. Yessss.

I'm also still using up the .40 off 3 cans of Swanson no-msg chicken or beef broth, as they're still running .79 cent special until the end of the month.

They're still running the .69 cent per lb winter squash special as well. Wally's price is .99 per pound.

And if you are so lucky as to have a SIL which signs you up for all sorts of free coupons / samples online, you could have used your $1 off frosted Cheerios, and you could have gotten a 17oz box for .50.

They didn't have any Honey-Nut Cheerios, but the shipment is coming in tommorrow at 10, so guess where I'll be at some point tommorrow? However, just in case, I have my raincheck for 2 in hand, along with my $1 coupon.

Don't forget the $1.10 coupon for any three cans of Progresso soup, which can be used in conjunction with the Walgreens 4/5 on the soup, for a sweet 1.10 a can. I'm stocking up.
free counters

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