Thursday, October 15, 2009

Honey Nut Cheerios free sample and $2 coupons

Here you go.

I know they're going to send you two, $1 off coupons. One for Honey nut and the other for one of their other variety of weird flavors (apple cinnamon, frosted, banana nut). With a double and sales ad, that could translate into a .50 box of cereal, like it did for me.

I ate my sample tonight, and thought "this is barely enough for an infant." What can I say? It was great mixed half and half with regular cheerios.


*this post updated to clarify what types of cheerios cereal there are!*



  1. I really like Honey Nut Cheerios, but not sure about frosted/apple/banana? Doesn't sound like my thing exactly. :-) Visiting from SITS. Hope you're having a great day!
    pk @ Room Remix

  2. What a cute blog! I love people who like to share! :-) I think I'm gonna try the apple banana ones too. Never heard of them but 2 of my fav flavors. :-)
    Thanks for showing my Blog some love. Have a colorful day!
    Steph Jordan

  3. Whoops! Sorry ladies, but they have apple/cinnamon flavor, banana nut flavor and frosted! :-( Obviously my communication skills via bloggy need a little brushing up!


Can't wait to read what you type! Glad you took the time to chat!

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